027 Plot Twist

My last podcast episode dropped July 11.  We had made the decision to move forward with a new adoption agency to adopt a baby from South Korea.  I promised to be back in September with new episodes, but I was going to take time off from the podcast so that I could focus on adoption paperwork and the start of the new school year.

Well…God decided we needed a little PLOT TWIST!

In today’s episode, I share all about our exciting news, how our family is responding to the change of plans, and what we’ve been up to since July.

Links/Resources mentioned in this episode:

Next Week:

I’m going to have my husband, Catholic dad and pediatrician, Dr. Philip Boucher, come on the show!  I’ve received a lot of questions for him about pediatrics-related stuff. If you have any questions about pediatrics or parenting that you’d like him to answer, please send me your questions!  You can e-mail me at podcast AT catherineboucher DOT com

I love hearing from you!  Please send your questions, topic suggestions, book/TV/movie recommendations, and summer sanity saving tips my way.  As always, you can find on FB OR IG or e-mail me at podcast AT catherine boucher DOT com




  1. Angie Johnson

    Catherine, I just listened to your podcast (so excited to see you back!), and I have a similar story. We had two boys and wanted to grow our family. We tried to get pregnant for almost a year, but I always loved the idea of adopting, so we started the adoption process…. for South Korea! We were getting ready to mail our packet with the first big check to our adoption agency when I found out I was pregnant with our daughter, who is now almost 16. We laugh sometimes at how we thought at that time that we weren’t going to be able to have any more biological children. We ended up having three more for a total of six kids- three boys and three girls. We are so blessed, and I am excited to say that one of my girls is determined to adopt. I will be praying for you as you deal with your morning sickness. God bless!

    • Catherine Boucher


      Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story with me. Isn’t it amazing how God weaves our stories? Perhaps adoption will be part of your family’s legacy in your grandbabies! Maybe God wanted you to be that witness to your children to the beauty of adoption. I appreciate the prayers and encouragement! One day at a time, right?

      Hope to hear from you again soon!

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