Today’s Gospel: “Give them some food yourselves.”



How God spoke to me this morning when I sat down with today’s readings:

Today’s Gospel is the feeding of 5000.  You know this Gospel is important if the story made it into all 4 of the Gospels!  Jesus said to the disciples, “Give them some food yourselves.”  I need to start with what I have and trust that God will multiply it.  God takes the little I have to offer, blesses it, and allows it to bear fruit when I offer it to Him.  It would have been easy to look at the crowd and think, “No way will this feed them!”  I probably wouldn’t have even tried to put the small amount of food to work, but the disciples trusted Jesus, not knowing what He would do with their offering.  I would have doubted, I would have gotten fearful that the crowd would become angry, I would have feared that we would be left in a deserted place with no food if we didn’t get going before dark.  But the disciples said, “Okay, Jesus.  If You say so.  Here is what we have.”

Lord, help me to be more like that.  Teach me to give what I have as a sincere gift of self for You.  Please bless and multiply my offering, that it will feed many.  Help me to see that I am called to obedience above all else, and that You will provide when I give all that I have.  Amen.

Questions for you:

Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt like God was asking you to offer everything?  How did you respond?  What was the result?



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