Hi!  I’m Catherine Boucher
I'm a Catholic homeschooling mother of six.  My husband, Philip, is a pediatrician, and we've been married for 14 years.  I created the podcast, While You Were Folding, to continue the conversations about things that matter in domestic life.  I've learned a lot (usually in messy or painful ways), and I have so much more to learn!  I hope you'll get in touch and that I can feature your voice on a future episode of the podcast.

My Clipboard Planner

My Clipboard Planner

This week's episode is all about My Clipboard Planner! Make sure you are subscribed to the podcast, and you won’t miss the new episodes as they come out! Links/Resources Mentioned This Episode: Simply Convivial with Mystie Winckler My Daily Dashboard Template (click...

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I'm baaaaaaaack!  I'm so happy to be recording again, and I'll be back every Monday with a new episode.  Make sure you are subscribed to the podcast, and you won't miss the new episodes as they come out! Links/Resources Mentioned This Episode: Decluttering at the...

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Season 2 Episode 4 My Morning Prayer Ritual

Season 2 Episode 4 My Morning Prayer Ritual

This episode: What my physical prayer space set-up looks like What I actually do when I get to my prayer space (spoiler alert: it's always different) Links/Resources Mentioned: Angels and Saints at Ephesus (Be sure to check out their other albums for Lent, Advent,...

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