Bringing My Happiness Project to Walmart

Bringing My Happiness Project to Walmart

Last Friday, I decided I was ready to attempt my first solo grocery run with the three kiddos.  I thought an outing to Walmart was the perfect opportunity to put my Happiness Project into practice.  I’m so glad I did because I know my changed outlook made my solo grocery run a success.

Friday was a dreary, rainy morning.  When I pulled up to the Walmart parking lot, I took a few moments to collect my thoughts.  I decided it was easiest to run in, grab the “monster cart” (my affectionate name for the shopping carts with seats on the end for shopping trips with multiple kids), and bring it back to the car for loading everyone in.  I loaded Jane and Walt into the cart, put Harry in the baby carrier, and headed on in to the store.  As the automatic doors opened, I said a silent prayer.  “Blessed Mother, please give me a healthy dose of your perfect patience, tenderness, and love.”  I kid you not, I felt a wave of calm come over me–and I was walking into Walmart with three kids 3 and under!

You know the saying, “The harder you work, the luckier you get”?  Well, the phrase rang true as I started tackling the grocery list.  After a few trips to this particular Walmart, I have the grocery list down to a science.  I organize the list by section and have all of the items on the list in the order that I’ll find them in the store.  It makes searching and backtracking an almost non-occurence.  Working hard on the grocery list before leaving the house allows me to have a few extra brain cells available when the inevitable hiccups occur.  

Five minutes into our shopping, Jane announced, “I have to go potty!”  Before my Happiness Project, I probably would have either tempted fate by asking her to hold it or taken her, but not until I said some guilt-inducing comment like, “You’re a big girl, and you need to learn how to hold it.  We went 15 minutes ago before we left the house.”  But, no, I was in the first week of my Happiness Project, and gosh darn it, I was going to be happy–even if I was 5 minutes into my shopping trip with 3 kids 3 and under and my 3-year-old had to use the potty!

So, we made the trek across the store to the restrooms.  Lo and behold, God was looking down on this mama, and my Walmart had a family restroom.  Alleluia!  Jane is very into having privacy in the potty these days.  A little kickstand holder on the outside of the door allowed me to leave it slightly propped open so that I could keep an eye on her and the monster cart outside.  When she was finished, I was able to leave the door completely ajar so that Walt was still in view in the cart while I helped Jane to wash and dry her hands.  Hooray!

We were back to shopping within minutes, and I said a quick little prayer of thanksgiving.  As we made our way through the non-perishable food aisles, we encountered several store employees and customers.  I made it a point to smile at every person we met and greeted them with a cheerful, “Hello!” or “Good morning!”  Instead of receiving the usual barrage of negative comments like, “Oh, dear, don’t you have your hands full!” or, “You’re brave, honey!”people usually smiled, returned a cheerful greeting, or even offered to help when they saw me struggling to reach something or bend over with Harry in the baby carrier.  At one point, the kids even starting singing nursery rhymes, and I joined in.  We ran into the same elderly couple half a dozen times.  The kids adored playing peek-a-boo with the mischieveous man and smiling at the sweet woman. 

We wrapped up our trip in the produce section and made our way to the checkout.  I told Jane and Walt that they had done such a great job of being patient and sitting nicely that they got to have their traditional Oreo in the checkout aisle.  As I backed our cart into the checkout, the thirty-something single guy working behind the register seemed a little nervous about all of his young customers.  He didn’t seem to be having a particularly good morning.  The customer in front of me had taken their receipt from his hands without a word, and he was spraying down the belt when I pulled up.  I startled him with a big, “Hello!” and started loading our groceries onto the belt.  I smiled and asked, “How are you doing today?” while I got the kids situated with their Oreos and sippy cups.  He returned my greeting with a big smile and said, “I’m good.”  He still seemed caught off guard by the three-ring circus in his lane.  I think he was even more caught off guard that I had asked him how he was doing and that I was really asking for the answer.  

As he put the groceries into bags he said, “You know, you really make it look fun.”  

“What?” I asked.

“Grocery shopping with three little kids.”

I laughed and said, “Well, I’m glad I have you fooled!  I don’t know if I’d call it fun.  I just do the best I can to keep them happy and lead with a positive attitude.  Today, I think I fooled them (pointing to the kids), too!”

“Well, whatever you’re doing, I think it’s working.”

During the checkout process, I learned that the cashier had one sister, that they got along great, but that he always wished he had more siblings.  He said he thought big families “always looked like so much fun.”  He asked how old Harry was, and that got Jane and Walt talking alllllllllll about their b
aby brother.  Walt was especially precious chiming in with Oreo all over his face.  “Das Harold!”  

We finally got all of the groceries loaded back into the cart and paid for.  The cashier handed me the receipt, smiled, waved at the kids, and said, “Be good!  Have a nice day!”  

In The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin writes about it being easier to be “heavy” than it is to be “light.”  In other words, it’s easier to be grumpy and negative than it is to be friendly and positive.  Similarly, my dad always liked to tell us when we were growing up, “Smile, and the whole world smiles with you.  Frown, and you frown alone.”  It turns out Gretchen and my dad are both right.  

Even if I’m feeling down and out about things, it doesn’t do me any good to dwell on it or broadcast it to everyone willing to hear.  Instead, I’m better off choosing to be light.  There were several times during our shopping trip that I had the option to be heavy or light:  when it started raining in the parking lot, when Jane pulled several (breakable) miscellaneous items into our cart, when Jane decided she had to go potty, when Walt pinched Jane in the produce section, when Harold started whimpering halfway through the trip, when I got meat juice all over my hands, when a grumpy employee seemed annoyed that we needed an item he was stocking, etc., etc.  I had to choose:  Am I going to be light or heavy?  That rainy morning at Walmart with the kids, I chose to put a smile on my face, reach out of myself and whatever was going on, and chose to brighten someone else’s day.  Even though it felt phony in the beginning, the returned smiles made it easier for me to feel genuinely happy.  

I want to be clear on a few things, though.  First, let’s disabuse you of the idea that the whole trip was sunbeams and rainbows.  My kids are just as prone to tantrums and meltdowns as every other kiddo–especially at Walmart.  (What is it about Walmart and meltdowns anyway?)  

Also, I’m not advocating for phoniness.  Like I tell the kiddos (and myself), it’s okay to feel whatever emotion you’re feeling, BUT, this is the key: it’s not okay to do whatever you want with the feelings.  For example, I’ll tell Walt he can be sad when he doesn’t get a second cookie, or I’ll tell Jane it’s okay to be sad when her favorite toy breaks, but it’s not okay to whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine about it or have a royal freakout session.  

As Mommy, it’s okay to feel the gamut of emotions as I respond to the curveballs tossed at me in any given day.  It’s not okay to allow those emotions to determine the direction of our family’s day.  I’m learning that I’m the nerve center of the home as mama bear.  When I choose to take care of my primary needs, it’s easier to put on a happy face when I don’t feel like it.  It’s easier to clean up a potty training accident and say, “Accidents happen.”  It’s easier to choose to take the kids to the park after a morning of whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiining.  

It’s contagious, too.  I think that the cashier at Walmart had a better morning after we left–simply because we smiled and asked him about his day.  And, you know what?  The rest of the day wasn’t perfect or even close to it, but it was a lot easier to keep choosing to be light, and, if I had to guess, it was probably a lot easier for that cashier to smile at the inevitable curmudgeonly customer.  

What helps you to choose to be light and not heavy?      

Our “Happiness Project”

Our “Happiness Project”

In September, I started re-reading Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project.  

Gretchen spent a year of her life identifying areas where she could make small (and a few big) changes to increase her own happiness.  She argues that through becoming happier herself, she will increase the happiness of those around her.  She cites several studies showing that happier people tend to be more loving, patient, generous, philanthropic, and other positive traits.  It reminds me of the pre-flight instructions parents receive when flying with children: apply your own oxygen mask before assisting children.  If you don’t apply your mask first, you won’t be any help to your child.  Similarly, if we don’t take care of our own primary needs first, we won’t have much to give others.  

When I read books, I tend to mark up my favorite passages and excitedly insist that Philip read them, too.  Now that I have an e-reader, I can share books with Philip and electronically “highlight” my favorite parts.  If it’s a book that I am enjoying, Philip’s likely to hear:
“Read this paragraph!”
“Oh my gosh!  This is totally me and you!”
“We should do this!”

After reading several passages at my insistence, Philip decided to start reading the book on his e-reader, too.  A few days ago, he said, “Let’s create our own Happiness Project and start it in October.”

Great idea!  I can’t think of a better day to start.  Today, October 1, is the feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux.  When we miscarried our baby last year, we named her after the “Little Flower” because we loved that saint’s beautiful way of living a heroic life of virtue through making daily choices to love.  

I had my 6-week postpartum follow-up OBGYN appointment this afternoon when I had this realization and just had to post it to Facebook because I had no one to share it with:

I’m waiting in the exact same exam room at my OBGYN’s office where we found out we were miscarrying Thérèse for my 6-week follow-up from our perfectly healthy son’s birth. Today is St. Thérèse’s feast day. Wow. God is good!

I looked down and realized I was wearing my “living locket” necklace that my brother and sister-in-law gave us on the day of Thérèse s memorial service.  I didn’t want to forget that moment of thanksgiving in the exam room, so I took a picture of my necklace and my exam gown.  

Interestingly enough, Gretchen Rubin writes a lot about St. Thérèse in The Happiness Project.  Gretchen, a self-proclaimed agnostic, is drawn to St. Thérèse‘s way of improving the happiness of others through choosing to love.

Philip and I want to create our own Happiness Project so that we can increase our own happiness and the happiness of others through self-sacrifice and self-discipline.  In theory, this should free us to better choose love.  We are setting individual and couple goals for each month.


  • Catherine, 6:00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred level 1
  • Philip, running or elliptical 3x per week before leaving for work


  • 9:00 p.m. get ready for bed
  • Lights out at 10:00 p.m.
  • Weeknight family prayer time after bathtime before bed
  • 1 decade of the Rosary followed by bedtime prayers at the dinner table 
Like Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project, we are starting our project with resolutions that will give us more energy to continue on to the next month’s resolutions.  Please pray for us that we will be successful in implementing these resolutions.         
Our "Happiness Project"

Our "Happiness Project"

In September, I started re-reading Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project.  

Gretchen spent a year of her life identifying areas where she could make small (and a few big) changes to increase her own happiness.  She argues that through becoming happier herself, she will increase the happiness of those around her.  She cites several studies showing that happier people tend to be more loving, patient, generous, philanthropic, and other positive traits.  It reminds me of the pre-flight instructions parents receive when flying with children: apply your own oxygen mask before assisting children.  If you don’t apply your mask first, you won’t be any help to your child.  Similarly, if we don’t take care of our own primary needs first, we won’t have much to give others.  

When I read books, I tend to mark up my favorite passages and excitedly insist that Philip read them, too.  Now that I have an e-reader, I can share books with Philip and electronically “highlight” my favorite parts.  If it’s a book that I am enjoying, Philip’s likely to hear:
“Read this paragraph!”
“Oh my gosh!  This is totally me and you!”
“We should do this!”

After reading several passages at my insistence, Philip decided to start reading the book on his e-reader, too.  A few days ago, he said, “Let’s create our own Happiness Project and start it in October.”

Great idea!  I can’t think of a better day to start.  Today, October 1, is the feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux.  When we miscarried our baby last year, we named her after the “Little Flower” because we loved that saint’s beautiful way of living a heroic life of virtue through making daily choices to love.  

I had my 6-week postpartum follow-up OBGYN appointment this afternoon when I had this realization and just had to post it to Facebook because I had no one to share it with:

I’m waiting in the exact same exam room at my OBGYN’s office where we found out we were miscarrying Thérèse for my 6-week follow-up from our perfectly healthy son’s birth. Today is St. Thérèse’s feast day. Wow. God is good!

I looked down and realized I was wearing my “living locket” necklace that my brother and sister-in-law gave us on the day of Thérèse s memorial service.  I didn’t want to forget that moment of thanksgiving in the exam room, so I took a picture of my necklace and my exam gown.  

Interestingly enough, Gretchen Rubin writes a lot about St. Thérèse in The Happiness Project.  Gretchen, a self-proclaimed agnostic, is drawn to St. Thérèse‘s way of improving the happiness of others through choosing to love.

Philip and I want to create our own Happiness Project so that we can increase our own happiness and the happiness of others through self-sacrifice and self-discipline.  In theory, this should free us to better choose love.  We are setting individual and couple goals for each month.


  • Catherine, 6:00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred level 1
  • Philip, running or elliptical 3x per week before leaving for work


  • 9:00 p.m. get ready for bed
  • Lights out at 10:00 p.m.
  • Weeknight family prayer time after bathtime before bed
  • 1 decade of the Rosary followed by bedtime prayers at the dinner table 
Like Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project, we are starting our project with resolutions that will give us more energy to continue on to the next month’s resolutions.  Please pray for us that we will be successful in implementing these resolutions.         
Because You Need Some Harry in Your Life

Because You Need Some Harry in Your Life

No time to write a real post, so I’ll just share a few of my favorite Harry pictures!

Gotta love those baby hooded towels
Lil’ photo shoot at home

I love all of his facial expressions and features

Baby in a basket of his clothes

The mini chair didn’t really work out

The kids and “The Child Jesus” in our parish courtyard

Quiet morning with Jane at preschool

Harry loves the swing as much as his big siblings did

Snuggles with Daddy

Fascinated with Baby Harry

Beautiful night at the park

He looks so itty bitty on his lion

Storytime with Daddy 
Starting to get that chunky baby look that I love!

Oh, Harry, you’re the cutest wootest wittle guy!  Love you, sweetie!

Happy Baptism Day, Harold!

Happy Baptism Day, Harold!

Sweet little Harold was baptized on Sunday.  What a fun, special day!  Baptisms are just the best, aren’t they?!  

Philip, me, Harold, and Harold’s godparents–my brother, Andy, and my sister-in-law, Katie.  We are so blessed that Harold has such wonderful godparents to help him along his way.
So excited!
Quick pic with Harold before the baptism
Harold didn’t mind the water at all.  In fact, he actually seemed to enjoy it!

We’ll keep working on getting the kids to smile on command for the camera.  Post-baptism pic with our pastor, Fr. Dan Kampschneider.
A woman in the parish embroiders each of the babies being baptized a baptismal garment.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2013

Get a load of these cookies!  Aren’t they adorable?!
My friend, Beth O’Brien, made the cookies for the luncheon reception.  She runs this fabulous operation out of her home.  She is so talented, and she seems to be able to make something equally adorable for just about any occasion!  If you’re interested, you can e-mail Beth at   She can make custom orders.  Please give her 5 days notice.  
The spread
Mmmmmm.  Sandwiches.  I just LOVE that picture of Harold that we took in the background.  We had a bunch of prints made for family to take home. 
Walt, totally dominating a “God Bless Harold” cookie
It’s only right that a baby named Harold should have a blue plaid bow tie

Baptisms always make me cry.  Parenthood is such a gift anyway.  To know that God is entrusting an eternal soul to me and Philip is a HUGE deal!  The blessings at the end for the mother and father are always the clincher tearjerker moment for me.  

Celebrant: God the Father, through his Son, the Virgin Mary’s child, has brought joy to all Christian mothers, as they see the hope of eternal life shine on their children. May he bless the mother of this child. She now thanks God for the gift of her child. May she be one with him in thanking him for ever in heaven, in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

All: Amen. 

Celebrant: God is the giver of all life, human and divine. May he bless the father of this child. He and his wife will be the first teachers of their child in the ways of faith. May they be also the best of teachers, bearing witness to the faith by what they say and do, in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

All: Amen.

Keep pouring out the graces, God!  Thank You for the gift of this precious baby boy.  

Welcome to God’s family, Harold Fulton Boucher!  We love you!  

"You are love that's come to live at our house today"

"You are love that's come to live at our house today"

For the second time, I was able to catch a milk-induced sleepy smile from Harold.  








When I was watching Harold smile and dream this evening, I instantly thought of this scene from The Lady and the Tramp.  Click on the video to watch on YouTube.  You won’t regret it!  

Darling is singing the song “La La Lu” to her new baby boy in the nursery, and her dog, Lady, enters to see what the fuss is all about.  

I always liked The Lady and The Tramp, and I always liked this sweet song, but I didn’t pay attention to the lyrics until I looked them up tonight.

“La La Lu” is officially my new favorite lullaby!  I bolded my favorite words.  

“La La Lu”

I am your mother
And I’m so glad you’re here
You have a father
Who loves you, oh so dear
We call you baby
‘Cause we don’t know how to say

That you are love
That’s come to live
At our house today
La, la, loo
La, la, loo
Oh my little star sweeper
I’ll sweep the stardust for you
La, la, loo
La, la, loo
Little soft, fluffy sleeper
Here comes a pink cloud for you
La, la, loo
La, la, loo
Little wandering angel
Fold up your wings
Close your eyes
La, la, loo
La, la, loo
And may love be your keeper
La, la, loo
La, la, loo
La, la, loo
The song is not only beautiful and soothing, it has some deep theological meaning in there!  Hear me out…  We’re getting Harold baptized on Sunday, so I have our parish’s baptism class for parents on the brain.  The deacon leading the class talked about how our families (aka, our “domestic church”) reflect the Holy Trinity.  
Our children are the love between us made flesh.  Scott Hahn says it better.  He wrote in his wife Kimberly’s book, Life-Giving Love, “The one flesh union of persons in the act of marriage is so powerful that nine months later you might have to give it a name.”
So, Harold (and Jane and Walt and Therese and any future babies that we may have), thank you for being the “love that’s come to live at our house today.”  Your dad and I pray that “Love (with a capital “L”) be your keeper.”

The kids with “The Child Jesus” statue in our parish courtyard

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