*THIS* is a weekend

*THIS* is a weekend

During residency, I asked the Dowager Countess’ question all the time:

Real weekends with Philip off from Friday evening until Monday morning were few and far between–and that was after a full week’s work at the hospital.  

Now, as we begin our new normal, we’re re-learning this concept called a weekend.  While the Dowager Countess didn’t know what they were because she didn’t work, we’re learning what they are because Philip is finally getting regular, dependable, time off from work.

This last week was Philip’s first week at the new practice, so it was also our first new normal weekend.  (Philip will average one weekend call a month in practice, so more often than not, we can count on some regular weekends together.) 

What did we do with our first normal weekend?  Well…

Friday afternoon, I took the kids in for well-checks with another pediatrician in Philip’s group.  

Philip was between patients, so he was able to entertain Harry while Jane and Walt had their doctor’s appointment.  Then, we picked up some dinner.  Hooray for a night off from cooking!  After dinner, we had some family movie time.  Gotta love Veggie Tales on Netflix!  Then, Philip and I watched a documentary on Netflix called Life 2.0.  It.  Was.  Crazy.  And extremely depressing.  But very entertaining.  The documentary follows different people and records how their real lives are impacted by their playing the online game Second Life.

We had a leisurely start to our Saturday at home.  At one point, all 5 of us plus Monty were cuddled up on the front living room couch with blankies.  During Harry’s morning snooze, Jane and Walt joined me for Level 2 of the 30-Day Shred while Philip laughed at us.  After some lunch, we headed to the nearby library to get some new books and cruising music for the car.  I’m glad to have something other than the Frozen soundtrack in the rotation!  Then, we headed to Hobby Town for Walt to pick out another engine as a reward for completing another potty training sticker map.  Yay!  He picked out a really creepy talking Diesel 10, and he adores him.  We made a quick little pit stop at the nearby produce stand before heading home for naps.  The stars aligned perfectly, and everyone took a glorious 2-hour nap.  While Jane and Walt played outside and Harry banged pots in the kitchen, Philip and I prepared a delicious summer dinner. 

Grilled salmon with a summery salsa, squash, watermelon, and a little rice.  Yum yum!

I cleaned up the dinner dishes while Philip took the kids out front to do some sidewalk chalk and play on their ride-on toys in the driveway.  In the middle of doing dishes, Philip popped in to tell me that the couple who lives two doors up had stopped over.  I came outside in my apron (covered in dishwater!  oh well!) to chat it up while the kids played.  The neighbors had brought candy for the kids and a bottle of chardonnay with cups for the adults.  Gotta love those kinds of neighbors!  Eventually, it was time to come inside to give the kids baths and begin the bedtime process.  After getting the kids down, Philip and I got out our new game, Forbidden Island.   

Neither of us are what would would call big gamers, but we had SO MUCH FUN playing a silly new board game together!  The object of the game is to work together as a team to collect the 4 treasures of the island and escape before it sinks.  I am pleased to share that although things were very dicey at a few points, Philip and I successfully escaped Forbidden Island!  Yay!

Then, we watched a silly episode of Flipping Out without falling asleep (it’s the little things) and called it a night.

We had another leisurely start to the day on Sunday before heading to 11:00 a.m. Mass.  I even got to spend half an hour reading Momnipotent with a cup of coffee.  Glorious!  

Can I tell you how awesome it is to live so close to the parish?!  We’ve been trying to sit in the front pew by the choir as much as possible.  I love sitting in the front because it keeps the kids more engaged, but it’s very, very humbling on their less than perfect behavior days.  Harry thinks wrestling away from Mom and Dad is a new Olympic sport, and he takes the challenge very seriously.  He created a new event called the Binkie Launch.  Jane and Walt think it’s great because they bolt out of the pew to retrieve the tossed binkie.  I’d use one of those binkie attachment clips, but Harry’s superbaby strength is no match for it.  He’d end up launching the clip and everything.  God bless every mom and dad who have ever knowingly told us, “You’re doing grea
t and have a beautiful family.  I remember those days!”    

After Mass, we had some leftover delicious salmon (drooling just thinking about it…) and played with the kiddos until naptime.  While the kids napped, Philip and I got ready for his family to come over to celebrate his dad’s birthday.  

Philip has become a grilling pro.  We had his now-famous BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon slices and rolls.  Mimi brought some chocolate cupcakes and ice cream.  “Papa” got a candle in his, and Jane and Walt gladly helped him blow it out.  

We had a great evening enjoying the beautiful weather while the kids ran around in the sprinklers and played with the water table.  

Mimi, Papa, and Maddy brought over their Scottie, Muffy.  Muffy had a ball playing with the kids.  Monty mostly just stayed under my feet.

After Mimi, Papa, Maddy, and Maffy headed home and we had the kids in bed, Philip and I spent some time reading together in the family room.  Have I mentioned how much I love not having a television on the main floor?  It’s been such a great decision for our family.  I’m glad I married a reader and a lifelong learner because Philip always has something new to chat about.  It’s adorable how excited he gets about whatever he’s reading.  

And that was it.  We didn’t do anything huge or earth-shattering, but it was perfect.  It was exactly what  a weekend should be.  It was a time of rest, relaxation, and refreshment all together as a family.  I love the new normal!   

Not-so-little "Harry-Barry Boo"

Not-so-little "Harry-Barry Boo"

Harry has had an EXPLOSION of development this month.  He’s far from being the “potted plant” variety of baby that stays where you leave him.  He is on the go!  He cruises most everywhere he wants to be.  He has abandoned his crazy swimmer crawl for a nearly normal one.  He says “dada” and “bye-bye.”  His favorite thing to do is eat, and he has mastered signing for “MORE!” very urgently when the food runs out.  He’s learned he needs to be a busy guy if he’s going to keep up with his big siblings.  He doesn’t want to be left behind those two!

Philip and I took turns watching the kids play in the mall play area while the other did returns.  During Philip’s turn watching the kids, 11-month-old Harry totally dominated this play structure!  Don’t believe me?  Watch this!

The kid has superhuman strength!

He goes down slides with the big sibs 

He cruises to get to his coveted toilet paper

He adores ride-on toys 

He goes cruising with Jane and Walt in Philip’s childhood car

He gets right in the mix for their crazy ideas like “3 ‘babies’ in a basket”

He attempts most of the structures at the playground.  Spotters are always ready!

He’s opening cupboards and getting into mischief (and dog treats).  Time to *really* babyproof things around here!  

He stands alongside the “big kids” at the water table.  I love how Harry and Walt have the EXACT SAME expression and their hands are doing the same thing in this picture.  You think they’re related?

He’s learned to handle water fights like a champ because he’s (sniffle) no longer a wee little baby.

Harry turns 1 next month, and I’m thinking he’ll be walking by or shortly after his birthday.  Where did this first year go?  Love you, “Harry-Barry Boo!”  You bring our family so much joy!
Not-so-little “Harry-Barry Boo”

Not-so-little “Harry-Barry Boo”

Harry has had an EXPLOSION of development this month.  He’s far from being the “potted plant” variety of baby that stays where you leave him.  He is on the go!  He cruises most everywhere he wants to be.  He has abandoned his crazy swimmer crawl for a nearly normal one.  He says “dada” and “bye-bye.”  His favorite thing to do is eat, and he has mastered signing for “MORE!” very urgently when the food runs out.  He’s learned he needs to be a busy guy if he’s going to keep up with his big siblings.  He doesn’t want to be left behind those two!

Philip and I took turns watching the kids play in the mall play area while the other did returns.  During Philip’s turn watching the kids, 11-month-old Harry totally dominated this play structure!  Don’t believe me?  Watch this!

The kid has superhuman strength!

He goes down slides with the big sibs 

He cruises to get to his coveted toilet paper

He adores ride-on toys 

He goes cruising with Jane and Walt in Philip’s childhood car

He gets right in the mix for their crazy ideas like “3 ‘babies’ in a basket”

He attempts most of the structures at the playground.  Spotters are always ready!

He’s opening cupboards and getting into mischief (and dog treats).  Time to *really* babyproof things around here!  

He stands alongside the “big kids” at the water table.  I love how Harry and Walt have the EXACT SAME expression and their hands are doing the same thing in this picture.  You think they’re related?

He’s learned to handle water fights like a champ because he’s (sniffle) no longer a wee little baby.

Harry turns 1 next month, and I’m thinking he’ll be walking by or shortly after his birthday.  Where did this first year go?  Love you, “Harry-Barry Boo!”  You bring our family so much joy!
Adventures in Potty Training With Walt (Part 2)

Adventures in Potty Training With Walt (Part 2)

Since the last time I wrote about Adventures in Potty Training With Walt, I am proud to report that he is officially potty trained–just in time for preschool!  Yay!

Waiting until Walt was ready and life settled down this summer was definitely the right decision.  It’s fantastic to be in a place with parenthood where we don’t compare our kids to other kids’ timelines.  We’re learning to take the cues from our kids and help push them along when they’re ready.  Waiting until he was 3 was the right decision for Walt, and he has totally dominated this potty training stuff.

For the first two weeks, the strategy was visiting the potty every 30 minutes.  For every successful visit, he got to pick out a “potty present.”  (Like I wrote in Part 1, I got the idea for “potty presents” from Philip’s mom.  It’s just a bunch of small, inexpensive items in a bin that Walt gets to choose after going on the potty.)  Bribery ended up being a great motivator for Walt.  In fact, he was doing so well with the potty presents, that we ended up flying through them.  

Instead of making a run to the store for more potty presents, I decided to create a sticker map.  We had used a sticker map for Jane when she potty trained, too.  

Jane’s sticker map
Jane, “paying” for her coveted Hello Kitty lunchbox with her completed sticker map
When we started using the sticker map with Walt, he got to put 1 or 2 stickers on the map when he successfully used the potty.  (I’ll let you figure out what earns 1 sticker and what earns 2!)  Every time he reached a marked square, he got to pick out a potty present.  When he reached the end of the map, he got to go to Hobby Town to pick out a new engine for his train table.

Looking for the right engine
Making his way to the register with his sticker map and engine
Walt, “paying” for his new engine Luke with his completed sticker map

Walt’s on his second sticker map.  

Walt’s 2nd sticker map

We promised him another trip to Hobby Town to pick out an engine when he gets to the end.  

In the last few days, Walt has started to tell us when he needs to use the potty instead of waiting for us to ask.  He is in big boy undies all day, and he wears pull-ups to nap/bedtime.  He’s almost always dry when he wakes up.  He hasn’t had an accident in four days despite an eventful weekend with a roadtrip to Omaha thrown into the mix.  He starts preschool in a few weeks.  I am excited for him to go, and I’ll be anxious to see how he continues to do with potty training away from home.  

I’m so proud of my big boy!  Way to go, Walt!

4th of July Photo Recap

4th of July Photo Recap

We’ve been enjoying our vacation time so much that I haven’t had a chance to blog in awhile.  I thought I’d pop in with a photo recap of our first Fourth of July in Lincoln.  What a fun day it was! 

After a leisurely start to the day, we met up with a bunch of other families at the neighborhood park for a parade and picnic.  

Their first time on a merry-go-round
Totally loving it
All lined up for the parade
Circling the park with push-toys, trikes, bikes, and strollers
Pushing Harry on the baby swings
Learning that swings go back AND forth! 
Very excited about his 4th of July dinner
A special ice cream cone treat
Boys loving their ice cream
Really getting into it
First sparkler experience!
I took this right at the moment their sparklers ran out.  Sad, sad pouty faces!

This picture perfectly sums up Jane & Walt’s polar opposite reactions to fireworks.  Jane was terrified, and Walt couldn’t get enough of ’em! 
Jane decided the fireworks were better once she had Daddy’s soundproof  earmuffs on
Walt opted for some eye protection
The kid couldn’t get enough of riding his patriotic school bus
Watching the neighbors light off the daytime stuff 
Brothers going for a ride
Awwww, I love Walt’s face in this pic!  A father’s love is irreplaceable.
After playing in the driveway and watching the neighbors light off the daytime stuff, it was the kids’ bedtime.  They were beat from their big day, and they didn’t care about the nighttime fireworks.  Philip and I couldn’t believe it, but they went straight to sleep because they were so exhausted.  We brought the baby monitor out to the driveway, poured some wine, and watched the neighbors’ fireworks with Monty.  It was the perfect end to a perfect day!  

Even neurotic Monty loved the fireworks.  He sat happily on my lap without any shaking or whimpering, and he loved his glow necklaces.  
Open the champagne!  Residency is OVER!

Open the champagne! Residency is OVER!

HALLELUJAH!  Philip had his last (overnight) shift of residency last night.  It’s become our family tradition to have donuts after the overnight shifts, so Philip brought home some tasty pastries to celebrate.  

It’s been a long haul, and I am so proud of Philip!  Anytime we have a big milestone, I get all sentimental and have to go back down memory lane.  

Here are a few pictures from our journey:

Match Day
St. Patrick’s Day, 2011
13-month-old Jane (and Elmo) joined us on stage to learn our fate

Fortunately for us, Philip matched exactly where he wanted, and we got to stay in Omaha for residency.  Yay!

So happy and excited to get to stay in Omaha for residency!
Medical school graduation, May 2011
(Walt was born a week later)
The first day of Philip’s 3-year pediatric residency program
July 2013
Celebratory donuts on the last day of Philip’s “night float” month (translation: a month of exclusively working night shifts).  That was the month before Harry was born.

It’s bragging time…

Sorry that picture is so crummy.  I was so excited and my vision was blurred with my tears, so I had trouble capturing the moment with my phone camera.  

For all of you who weren’t there, I took this picture at the annual banquet recognizing the graduating pediatric residents.  The banquet just so happened to take place the night before we moved to Lincoln!  Every year, the Children’s Hospital nursing staff selects a pediatric resident who they believe provides exemplary care to the patients and is a pleasure to work alongside.  This picture is of Philip receiving that award–for the second time during his 3 years of residency.  

Philip, I had to bring up this big deal award because it illustrates the kinda guy you are.  We all know the kind of ego that comes along with having M.D. behind someone’s name (wink), but not with you.  I know I’m biased because I’m your bride, but I’d bet the house that you’re among the sharpest and most talented residents the program has ever seen.  But that’s not why you received that award.  That award is all about that big heart of yours.  You give your patients the highest level of care, you comfort & cheerlead their parents, you work as a team player alongside the other medical staff, but you remain meek as you learn something with every patient interaction.  For those reasons, I’m not surprised that the hospital nursing staff chose to honor you 2 of the 3 years you served alongside them.  It must be a pain in the neck working with some of you doctor types (ha!), but you know how important every member of the medical staff is–especially those awesome nurses.

I have to share this because I think it illustrates why you received the Service Excellence Award:  It became your tradition on the last day of each rotation to leave the house extra early so that you could bring the nurses special treats as a thank you for their help that month.  Because you value the work I do at home so much, I know the respect you carry over to the nursing staff who, in many ways, mother those precious patients during their hospital stays.  Of all of the things you’ve done during your time in residency (and you’ve done big deal stuff like save kids’ lives), I think I’m most proud of the way you’ve honored the nursing staff in your interactions with them.  Way to go, honey!

Philip & the kids before he left for his last night shift of residency.  
Had to capture my cute husband in scrubs for the last time!

Philip snapped this shot on his way home this morning.  Even though we’ve lived in Lincoln for a month, the reality of it all is finally starting to sink in this morning.

Philip, playing cars with the kids after our celebratory donuts.  I am so excited to see a whole lot more of this.  

When Philip came home this morning, Walt said, “You miss work, Daddy?”  They can’t believe that from now on Daddy gets to sleep at home every night.  When I told them that Daddy gets to be on vacation for a few weeks before he starts his new job, they couldn’t wrap their minds around it.  Daddy is a hot commodity around here, and they’re thrilled to get to spend all of this time with him.  

Congratulations, “Dr. Phil”!  We are all so proud of your achievement!  You are going to make a fantastic pediatrician.  The families in Lincoln are lucky to have you.  

Cheers to this calmer, simpler chapter in our lives!  It’s so much fun to feel like our lives are no longer in a holding pattern.  It’s time to put down roots, get settled, and adjust to the new normal.  Normal is good, and we’re loving it!

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