Building-In Happiness

Building-In Happiness

Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, also writes a column for Good Housekeeping.  Thanks to the gift of a magazine subscription from my thoughtful mother-in-law, I look forward to reading Gretchen's practical tips in each month's issue.  And, yes, Gretchen...

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They Make My Heart Too Big For My Body

They Make My Heart Too Big For My Body

Janie developed a high fever last Thursday.  A day later, she had bright, red spots all over her body.  Hubby Dr. Phil quickly diagnosed Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease.  He said there was nothing to do but keep her hydrated and stop her from itching the rash to prevent...

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Helpful Husbands Are Hot

Helpful Husbands Are Hot

I am very blessed to have a husband who takes on more than his fair share around the house.  I owe Philip's wonderful parents a big "thank you" for raising him to treat our marriage as a partnership.  Philip routinely offers to cook, bake, clean, offer me a break when...

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Picking Up Mommy Friends (Part 2)

Picking Up Mommy Friends (Part 2)

Good friends let you do stuff like this and don't run away in embarrassmentLike I wrote in Part 1 of Picking Up Mommy Friends,  I'd say picking up other mamas comes down to a few basic steps:Get out and go where the mamas and children are Observe the mamas and...

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Picking Up Mommy Friends (Part 1)

Picking Up Mommy Friends (Part 1)

When I started staying at home full-time, I felt very isolated.  I didn't have many friends who were moms, and I had even fewer friends who were moms that stayed at home.Philip's busy at the hospital, and it's not uncommon for him to be unable to call during the day. ...

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Walt's First Haircut

Walt's First Haircut

We took the kids to get haircuts last week.  The worst part of Walt's day everyday is getting cleaned up after meals.  He loves bathtime, but if splashing water is not involved, he's not a fan of being handled.  Unfortunately, he wasn't fond of the haircut either....

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Walt’s First Haircut

Walt’s First Haircut

We took the kids to get haircuts last week.  The worst part of Walt's day everyday is getting cleaned up after meals.  He loves bathtime, but if splashing water is not involved, he's not a fan of being handled.  Unfortunately, he wasn't fond of the haircut either....

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Spring Has Sprung!

Spring Has Sprung!

I've been taking pictures of our burning bushes and lilac bush since they started blooming a few weeks ago.  It's incredible how quickly the blooms explode!  The burning bushThe lilac bush    I've always considered it a blessing to live in the northern hemisphere...

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Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

You might have noticed that the name of my blog is a reference to Blessed Pope John Paul II's quote:  "Do not abandon yourselves to despair.  We are the Easter people, and hallelujah is our song."  So, you might have guessed that Easter's a pretty big deal for this...

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