New Bedtime Update

New Bedtime Update

All was going well with the new bedtime.  I was feeling more rested, and I was thrilled to be done with the fire alarm morning routine.  I woke up last Wednesday without an alarm at 6:30, and felt amazing.  Unfortunately, the kiddos woke up shortly thereafter so I...

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Just Call Me "Crafty Cathy"

Just Call Me "Crafty Cathy"

I was busy crafting away last week!  Ever since I joined Pinterest, I've been adding projects and crafts to do.  I decided to tackle a few of them, and I thought I'd share pictures.Craft #1:  Mother's Day Cards for the Grandmas and Great-Grandmas(original idea found...

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Just Call Me “Crafty Cathy”

Just Call Me “Crafty Cathy”

I was busy crafting away last week!  Ever since I joined Pinterest, I've been adding projects and crafts to do.  I decided to tackle a few of them, and I thought I'd share pictures.Craft #1:  Mother's Day Cards for the Grandmas and Great-Grandmas(original idea found...

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New Bedtime

New Bedtime

I love sleep.  I looooooooooooooooooooooove sleep.  Fortunately, Janie and Walt (usually) love their sleep, too.  Unfortunately, they still wake up fairly early, and I'm in the bad habit of going to bed too late.  It's a silly problem, and I really need to do...

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When Philip Works Inpatient Months

It's hard to believe, but Philip has almost completed his first of three years as a pediatric resident.  Yay, Philip!  We're so proud of you!Thanks to the recent work hour restrictions put in place, Philip is able to see much more of his family than his predecessors. ...

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Recipe Review: Slow-Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala

Recipe Review: Slow-Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala

It's been a whirlwind of a day, and I'm all out of creative things to write, so I thought I'd share an awesome recipe.  If you like Indian food and you like using your slow cooker, you're going to love this recipe.  It's called Slow-Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala.  Click...

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Scattering Flowers on May Day

Scattering Flowers on May Day

Happy May Day!If you didn't get around to making May Day baskets this year, you're not alone.  Fortunately, I found a fun crafty alternative that you and your whole family can do to scatter flowers year-round!  More on that below.   Patrick Coffin, host of Catholic...

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Gossip About Your Kids

Gossip About Your Kids

Yes, I want you to gossip about your kids--and so does Dr. Harvey Karp, M.D.  Dr. Karp wrote two fantastic books that I recommend to all of the other parents I know.  When we were pregnant with Jane, we read The Happiest Baby on the Block, and as Jane neared her first...

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Photo Flashback Friday

Photo Flashback Friday

April 2010  Janie was two months old, and we were adjusting to life as a family of three.In her favorite spot, the lamb swingTwo-month pictureWe found these sunglasses when we were out shopping and had to try 'em on her!Jane and Larry.  They were buddies before Janie...

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Stay-At-Home Mom Guilt

Stay-At-Home Mom Guilt

When I stop taking my job as a mom so seriously and stop wondering about whether or not I'm doing the right thing, I let everything else wait while I play with the kids.  Now that my house cleaning routine is a habit, I'm a better, smarter housekeeper.  Even last...

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