037 All Things NFP With Bekah Knobeloch

037 All Things NFP With Bekah Knobeloch

This week, I had my awesome friend and Marquette Instructor, Bekah Knobeloch, on the podcast to talk about all things NFP!  We covered a lot of ground in our conversation, and I have a feeling Bekah will be a regular guest because I get *A LOT* of NFP-related questions from all of you.  Can’t wait to hear your feedback on this one!

Links/Resources Mentioned This Episode:

Questions for you:

  • Do you identify with anything we talked about in this episode?
  • What’s working and what’s not in your area?
  • What kind of support do you need with NFP?

Get in touch!

036 The Dinner Table

036 The Dinner Table

  1. What’s New
    1. Sonja Corbitt’s Bible Study Fearless
    2. Lazy potty training going well
  2. Revisit Last Week’s Episode
    1. Topic: Self-Sabotage
    2. Philip’s update: perfectionism as procrastination and stress-eating carbs
    3. My update: phone on kitchen charger and book down at 10:30 p.m.
  3. Today’s Topic: The Dinner Table
    1. What’s one mistake you made, and what did you learn from it?
    2. What’s one thing you’re grateful for today?
  4. Question for you:
    1. What does your dinner table conversation look like these days?
    2. Is it easier or harder for you to make family dinners happen in the summer months?
    3. If dinner isn’t a regular staple for your family, is there another time of day that would work for you to connect and have these conversations?

Get in touch!

035 Self-Sabotage

035 Self-Sabotage

What’s New:

    • Totus Tuus 
    • Resumed donuts and drinks on the parish playground after Mass.  

Revisit Last Week’s Episode:

  • Several of you said that Episode 034 Summer Structure was helpful.  I hope you’re finding a loose framework that’s working for your family.  I know it’s helping us!
  • A few of you sent me some private messages sharing what you need or wish you had offered in your local areas in terms of support for NFP, infertility, etc.  Please continue to reach out and share those ideas. As I said, I’ll have a future guest on to discuss that topic

Today’s Topic: Self-Sabotage

  • What I’m doing:
    • reading & mindlessly scrolling social media at bedtime instead of SLEEPING!
    • result: cranky, impatient, resentful mama (even though it’s self-inflicted!)
  • Philip’s self-sabotaging
    • Perfectionism as a form of procrastination
    • Stress eating carbs
    • Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good enough in his prayer life
  • Other examples
    • 2nd glass of wine – headache
  • Are you self-sabotaging?
    • Call to action: Take a screen shot of this episode.  
      • Send it to your husband
        • Take the time tonight after the kids are in bed to talk about the ways each of you self-sabotages.  Come up with at least 2 for each of you and commit to holding each other accountable for a week. Chances are that your self-sabotage is affecting them, too.  
      • Send the screen shot with a girlfriend.  
        • She’s probably struggling with the same things you are.  Get really specific. Commit to breaking up with self-sabotage.  
      • I’m going to check in next week to see how things are going.  
      • Be my accountability partner!
      • My plan:
        • leave my phone on the kitchen charger at bedtime
        • use my sunrise alarm clock instead of my phone
        • put down my books by 10:30 p.m.
  • Question for you: Are you self-sabotaging?  I want to hear about it!

Get in touch!

034 Summer Structure

034 Summer Structure

Revisiting Last Week’s Episode:

  • What books/shows/articles have you read or seen that are challenging you lately?
  • I’m rereading Brené Brown’s The Power of Vulnerability (and I’m not usually a re-reader!)
  • Parenting insight that we can only love our kids as much as we love ourselves.  Good gut punch!

Today’s Topic: Summer Jobs for the Kids

  • Laminated, personalized kid chore charts on mini clipboards on the fridge
  • One day of completed chores on chart earns the kid a saint coin from Happy Saints (kids keep track of own chores)
  • Cash in 1 coin for 1 show (our solution to limiting screen time!)
  • Bad behavior = saint coin gets taken away

I have some questions for YOU!  Discussion Starter:

  • What’s happening in your area to support couples preparing for marriage in the area of NFP?  What about infertility? Or ongoing support for couples trying to space kiddos or who are feeling the burden of what I call uber fertility?  I’m going to be meeting with a group of people who are forming a little think tank for our Diocese, and I’d like to get your input on what’s working, what’s not, and what kind of support you need in this area.  I’ll be talking about this with an awesome guest on an upcoming episode, but I thought I’d pick your brain in the meantime.

Get in touch!

033 Podcast Resurrection!

033 Podcast Resurrection!

While You Were Folding is BACK!

New format:

  • Shorter episodes
  • Shooting for 1 guest interview per month
  • Embracing the imperfect – interrupted recordings, imperfect audio, recording while I’m folding my laundry or walking around the neighborhood with a friend

Getting Caught Up:

  • Vision problems
  • Nesting
  • It’s a girl!  Gloria Benedicta (more information on her namesake, Edith Stein)
  • Milestones

How my latest read is inspiring and challenging me:

Please get in touch!

  • Topic or guest ideas for future shows
  • Books/movies/shows you’ve read or seen lately that have challenged you
  • Contact me:

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