056 A Mother’s Rule of Life: Parent

This week, we’re discussing all things Parenting and continuing our series on Holly Pierlot’s book, A Mother’s Rule of Life.  (The series started back in Episode 50, so start there if you’re just joining us!)

Links/Resources Mentioned This Episode:

Next time:  A Mother’s Rule of Life: 5th P, Provider

Get in touch!

Questions for you

    1. Did you have the appropriate respect for parenting before you became a parent?  What part of parenting is proving to be the most difficult for you? Have you brought your parenting challenges before God and asked Him for wisdom and help?  Is there a mom a step or two ahead of you that you could meet with on a regular basis for some mentoring?   
    2. Are your children’s essential needs being met?  Does your family need to make some changes in your schedule to meet everyone’s needs?  Is your day-to-day schedule reflecting your family’s values?  
    3. Are you guilty of unrealistic parenting expectations?  Do you resent “tending the garden” when it comes to parenting matters like discipline or teaching skills (like housework)?

E-mail me at podcast@catherineboucher.com or




Send me a voicemail on Voxer, the free walkie talkie app, so that I can feature your voice on a future episode!  (I’m “catherineboucher” on there.)

If you liked the show, please consider leaving a positive rating and a review in iTunes!  That will help the show to get in front of as many listeners as possible.  How to rate and review podcasts in iTunes.

055 If I Ran the Zoo: Our Decision to Homeschool


  • Quick update on building our house
  • Getting back into family meetings (here’s our family meeting agenda)
  • Using the word “romance” for inspiration this Lent

Today’s Topic: If I Ran the Zoo: Our Decision to Homeschool

Next time: A Mother’s Rule of Life: 4th P, Parent

Get in touch!

E-mail me at podcast@catherineboucher.com or




Send me a voicemail on Voxer, the free walkie talkie app, so that I can feature your voice on a future episode!  (I’m “catherineboucher” on there.)

If you liked the show, please consider leaving a positive rating and a review in iTunes!  That will help the show to get in front of as many listeners as possible.  How to rate and review podcasts in iTunes.

054 A Mother’s Rule of Life – Partner

Philip came down to the recording studio to talk all about marriage (the 3rd “P” from a Mother’s Rule of Life — Partner).

Links/Resources Mentioned This Week:

Questions for you:

  1. Have you had any lightbulb moments revolving around communication in marriage?
  2. What’s one specific thing you are doing as a couple that’s helping your marriage?
  3. Date night: What does it look like for you?  Do you do anything unique that’s making it more successful?
  4. Challenge:  Plan a date night this month for you and your husband.  Don’t do the same thing you usually do.  Take care of ALL of the details!

Get in touch!

E-mail me at podcast@catherineboucher.com or




Send me a voicemail on Voxer, the free walkie talkie app, so that I can feature your voice on a future episode!  (I’m “catherineboucher” on there.)

If you liked the show, please consider leaving a positive rating and a review in iTunes!  That will help the show to get in front of as many listeners as possible.  How to rate and review podcasts in iTunes.



053 An Update and 3 Favorite Things

This week:

  • Recapping our trip to Jamaica
  • Cultural observations about emotional expression/repression and mental health
  • Helping friends with invisible crosses (a conversation about my diagnosis with Sjögren’s Syndrome and a friend asking how she can help)

Today’s Topic:  3 favorite things

    1. Snack: Salt and Pepper Pistachios and Lindt dark chocolate bars (Intense Orange and Roasted Hazelnut)
    2. Music: Breezy summer classics playlist on Amazon Music.  
    3. Podcast: Janet Lansbury Unruffled

Questions for you to chew on until next time:

  1. Any thoughts on my cultural observations about expressing or repressing emotion and emotional health?  Do you think it matters?
  2. Do you have any invisible crosses?  How can a friend help you?
  3. What are your favorite things?

Next time: Talking about the 3rd P: Partner (Marriage) with my husband, Philip!

Get in touch!

E-mail me at podcast@catherineboucher.com or




Send me a voicemail on Voxer, the free walkie talkie app, so that I can feature your voice on a future episode!  (I’m “catherineboucher” on there.)

If you liked the show, please consider leaving a positive rating and a review in iTunes!  That will help the show to get in front of as many listeners as possible.  How to rate and review podcasts in iTunes.

052: A Mother’s Rule of Life – Person

This week, I’m continuing the conversation based on Holly Pierlot’s book, A Mother’s Rule of Life: How to bring order to your home and peace to your soul.  I’m talking about the 2nd “P”: Person–the importance of caring for yourself (mind, body, and soul).  

Links/resources mentioned this episode:

  • Unbound Ministry
  • Our family schedule (Don’t compare!  This is just to show what’s working for our family *now* as an example.)
  • Working out your essentials to create your routines:
    • Daily Routines (move items to weekly or monthly routines as needed)
      • Rest (sleep, naps)
      • Hygiene/grooming, allotting time to help kids
      • Nutrition (meal prep, meal planning, meal clean-up)
      • Exercise (where, when, how)
      • Socializing
      • Hobbies or recreation
      • Work
    • Weekly/Monthly Routines

Questions for you to chew on until next time:

    1. Sleep:  How many hours of sleep do I really need to be at my best?  What’s my new bedtime based on that number?  Are naps a good idea for me?
    2. Exercise: Am I getting enough physical movement?  Do I go outside on a regular basis? What part of my day would work for me to incorporate physical movement?
    3. Nutrition: Am I eating in a way that helps our hurts my body?  What’s one change I can implement this week?
    4. Friendship: Do I have at least one good girlfriend?  If not, how can I be that kind of friend to someone this week?  What kinds of connection with friends are recharging for me?  What works for my season?  
    5. Hobbies: When was the last time 
    6. Work: How is my work schedule working with my family’s schedule?  Do I need to make any adjustments (if I can)? Do I need to take on a job to help supplement the family income?  How can we make that work?

Next time: Talking about the 3rd P: Partner (Marriage) with my husband, Philip!

Get in touch!

E-mail me at podcast@catherineboucher.com or




Send me a voicemail on Voxer, the free walkie talkie app, so that I can feature your voice on a future episode!  (I’m “catherineboucher” on there.)

If you liked the show, please consider leaving a positive rating and a review in iTunes!  That will help the show to get in front of as many listeners as possible.  How to rate and review podcasts in iTunes.



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