Happy Monday! You know what that means — it’s time to Put It To Work! We’re gonna take St. Pope John Paul II’s advice to stop wasting our suffering and start putting it to work by uniting it to the cross. Mondays, which can be a stressful or chaotic day, is the perfect time for us to set our sights on God and swap prayer intentions with the promise of “putting them to work” for one another.
Instead of allowing today to turn into a “manic Monday,” we’ll actively unite any little suffering we might have during the week to the cross for the other person’s intention.
Here are my intentions for the week:
- For one of Philip’s colleagues whose mother passed away, and for safe travels for all of those who are attending the funeral today.
- For my Aunt Debby and all of those who are looking for a new job.
- Please continue to pray for my friend, Nicole, and her family as they shoulder the heavy cross of miscarriage. (You can read about their baby Samuel’s story here.)
- For a special intention.
Your turn! What intentions can I start “putting to work” for you this week? I will add them to my prayer journal and pray for you by name throughout the week. Please share them in the comment box below, on the blog Facebook page, or send them to me via the “contact” form on the main menu bar.
Thank you for your prayers!