050 Organizing My Attitude Before My Closets

Episode 50!!!  Woo-hoo!

Resources and recommendations from listeners after last week’s episode: 049 January Potpourri:

Today’s Topic: Organizing My Attitude Before My Closets

  • Drawing information from Holly Pierlot’s book, A Mother’s Rule of Life: How to bring order to your home and peace to your soul
    • “A Rule is an organization of everything that has to do with your vocation, based on a hierarchy of the priorities that define the vocation and done with the intent to please God.  It deals with the essential responsibilities of your state of life, organized to ensure their fulfillment.”
  • Important note: My friend Courtney told me if you have a formed.org account, the digital version of the book is on there for free!
  • 2 resources (recommended by Amy Zeleny (guest on Episode 04)
    • Mystie Winckler, from Simply Convivial
      • No more boom and bust!
      • “Repent.  Rejoice. Repeat.”
      • Simply Convivial Podcast #119: Make a home: it’s your job. 
        • Being atmospheres in our homes
        • “A lot of the work that we do as homemakers is just hitting the reset button.”
        • “Our end goal isn’t making everything the way we think it should be.  Our end goal is glorifying God and enjoying Him forever–starting now.  And whatever effort does not do that is effort spent in vain. So get organized first by knowing that organization is about self-control and walking in faithfulness, not about organizing your closets, and it’s not about making things go your way.”  DANG!!! 
    • Dom Hubert Van Zeller’s book, Holiness for Housewives (and other working women)

Your Prayer Prompts:

  1. What are the duties You want me to do?  Why do You want me to do them?
  2. Do I have the appropriate respect for this vocation You’ve given me?  If not, why not? Can You heal the areas of woundedness I have involving my vocation?
  3. Do I do the “boom and bust” cycle on repeat in my homemaking?  Have I stopped to consider it might not have anything to do with my organization system and everything to do with my own attitude?  

Challenge for the week:

  • What’s ONE shift in attitude I’m going to resolve to make toward my vocation as homemaker?
    • Example: My children’s speed is not too slow; I am too fast. I need to live life at their speed.
  • How will I know when my attitude is changing?
    • Example: Fewer tears, more spontaneous affection, less nagging from me, mental prayer for patience, better time management and planning appropriately for their abilities.

Get in touch!

E-mail me at podcast@catherineboucher.com or




Send me a voicemail on Voxer, the free walkie talkie app, so that I can feature your voice on a future episode!  (I’m “catherineboucher” on there.)

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Catherine Boucher
050 Organizing My Attitude Before My Closets
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