012 When A Child Has Special Needs With Mary Lenaburg

Mary’s beautiful daughter, Courtney, had global developmental delays and lived for 22 years until she went on to her heavenly reward 3 years ago.  In our conversation today, Mary and I focused on what Mary’s life looked like as a mother to a child with profound special needs.  We talked about:

  • a “typical” day with Courtney & her routine medical needs
  • healing from woundedness and moving past guilt
  • a change in attitude about self-care
  • marriage and having a child with special needs
  • grieving a child’s death with a spouse
  • looking back & being honest
  • parish support and general thoughts on how the Church is supporting families that have someone with special needs
  • what’s making Mary happy lately (big and small)

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Catherine Boucher
012 When A Child Has Special Needs With Mary Lenaburg
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