At the end of July, I decided it was time to take a step back from blogging for 3 months.
The break was very fruitful and exactly what I needed. Thank you for all of your prayers while I was away!
In case you missed the exciting news, I am thrilled to officially share on my blog that I am pregnant and due March 31, so that puts me at 18.5 weeks. We’re almost halfway there! Yay! Unfortunately, I’ve been battling some pretty significant “morning” sickness this pregnancy, so we’ve been in survival mode around these parts, and I wouldn’t have been blogging much even without my announced break.
In addition to growing this baby that we’re so excited to meet, I’ve been keeping busy doing the wife & stay-at-home mom thing and taking care of the home front. Beyond that, I’ve spent other time starting a new women’s group at the parish, dedicating more time to planning our GodTeens meetings, and strengthening my real life relationships with regular play dates and girl time.
I honestly didn’t spend a whole lotta time discerning what to do with this blog until the last few weeks. It was easier for me to put it out of my sight and out of my mind. As the end of my 3-month hiatus approached, I have had more and more people contacting me, asking me to return or suggesting various topics that they’d like me to write about. After thinking about it long and hard and asking God what He thinks about all of this, a few thoughts:
- I’ve missed blogging, but I haven’t missed feeling tethered to it.
- I’ll be writing less frequently, but (hopefully) make up for the infrequency with more focused, passionate writing.
- Realizing that I can walk away from blogging at any time for any reason brings me peace.
- Conversely, realizing that my homecoming can be whatever I want it to be brings me peace. “It’s my blog, and I’ll blog whenever and however I want to!”
- God has used this blog for a lot of good, and so long as He’s able to keep using it to bless others, I’ll keep writing. Thank you to the readers who took the time to reach out and remind me that this blog has somehow been a helpful ministry.
- I think I’ll be a better blogger after my little break because I know I’ve been living (or trying to live) exactly The Life I Need to become the person I’m supposed to be. God has done big things for me and my family during my three months away, and I see now how I can better use this little space to glorify Him. As soon as this blog stops doing that, well, then, in the words of Flannery O’Connor, “to hell with it!”
I look forward to getting back to The Life I Need, and I hope I’ll be seeing a lot of you in the comments and the blog Facebook page.
St. Thérèse, pray for us!